v3ry b3rry rip3b3rry

Have you ever taste 'very berry' smoothies? I like that smoothies, the sour taste of the berries gives a jolt to the nerves, but there's sweet taste in there. Not to sweet but enough to make my tongue dancing. If, I added vitamin C or other supplement into the smoothies then it will add some kind of bitter taste. Perfect combination like the life I have now. If you have a similar life then perhaps you should try this smoothies....

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Fuiiiiiihhhhhhh......so many things to do today but it made me confuse in prioritizing........first thing I did before office was asking the bank for a new debit card since I lost my old one, after that office was taking all my attention especially the ultimate student contest.......hell....I'm doing the paper work for donation and sponsorhip.....I really hope it ends soon......I dislike the activity......and after this there will come the most busy month with the coming of the new students.......yeahhhhh that's hell alright.....and my partner in crime will leave me alone for higher education.......but that's nice for him for he will get married and degree for a short time.....wish him success....

And for me.......GOD GIVE ME STRENGTH.....................


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