v3ry b3rry rip3b3rry

Have you ever taste 'very berry' smoothies? I like that smoothies, the sour taste of the berries gives a jolt to the nerves, but there's sweet taste in there. Not to sweet but enough to make my tongue dancing. If, I added vitamin C or other supplement into the smoothies then it will add some kind of bitter taste. Perfect combination like the life I have now. If you have a similar life then perhaps you should try this smoothies....

Monday, June 19, 2006


One thing that I've always noticed about World Cup is the strength of men. It amazed me on how they pushed themselves to the very edge of their power to gain the best outcome. Sometimes they succeed sometimes not, but for me both ways they win. Especially if the men has showed the spirit to the end of the game, and if they have worked very hard to be the champion of the game , it seems that they get double satisfaction.

Watching the game had helped me to keep my mind on track which is to be useful and be creative in every moment without give in to my weakness. Laziness has always become my big problem, it always come to me whenever my life starting to become dull. If I kept my mind working all the time then there is no time to get lazy, but if there is a spare time which is I have no idea what to do with, then I'll become lazy.

So, the best thing is to get something to do whenever I already have a little spare time, but sometimes I dont know what to do in those little spare time. Ha! Next step is to list every small chores that I can do in a small amount of free time, and I can only list a few right now, here they are:
- reading a book (sometimes it's boring)
- reading online article (this is actually interesting except that I have to be in front of a PC)
- writing (this is sometimes fun, like writing in this blog)
- and that's all I could think about for now.....

Sometimes I feel like I haven't push myself toward the edge of my boundaries. I never knew my limit, and it is a challenge to find out how far is my limit. I've got to work on my laziness first then I could try to find out my limit. I envy those men in uniform chasing a ball with strength and spirit, gaming once in a week without any slack in every day training, compete in every game with a new improved skill in each game. And in the end they become big and left a mark in the world history in their young age. Compared to them, I am a loser, well yeah I am.
In my age right now, I still haven't got any achievement that can make the world better which is my dream from long ago.

Perhaps I should make this as my new resolution of the year. Become big and change the world. Ha ha ha...let's us see then.


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