v3ry b3rry rip3b3rry

Have you ever taste 'very berry' smoothies? I like that smoothies, the sour taste of the berries gives a jolt to the nerves, but there's sweet taste in there. Not to sweet but enough to make my tongue dancing. If, I added vitamin C or other supplement into the smoothies then it will add some kind of bitter taste. Perfect combination like the life I have now. If you have a similar life then perhaps you should try this smoothies....

Friday, July 21, 2006

My Funny Friend

I have this friend of mine, who's funny as a clown, can't stop laughing when I'm hang out with him. Hilarious, caring and gentleman. All the qualities I admire from a man. He is a very dear friend of mine, but it's been many years since my last meeting. When I'm calling to meet him, either I'm busy or he's busy, and I'm sorry for that. I remember when we're in some activities together, how we shared our feelings, how we had our fun, how we worked our difficulties in the tasks.

Ohhhhh....I miss u my friend and I keep reading your bulletins in Friendster, and those were very funny. I'm wishing for the very best for you (wishing u have girlfriend that will become your wife and wishing the girl loving you so much that will make you a very happy man).....muuuuaaaaccchhhh


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