v3ry b3rry rip3b3rry

Have you ever taste 'very berry' smoothies? I like that smoothies, the sour taste of the berries gives a jolt to the nerves, but there's sweet taste in there. Not to sweet but enough to make my tongue dancing. If, I added vitamin C or other supplement into the smoothies then it will add some kind of bitter taste. Perfect combination like the life I have now. If you have a similar life then perhaps you should try this smoothies....

Monday, July 24, 2006

Whoaaaaaa....my poor brain

A research once said that human brain used in maximum 1% from the whole capacity of the brain itself. Is it true? Who knows. But, one thing I'm sure of that right now I'm going for that 1%......I felt wrecked inside my head, if in one day you have to racked your brain into maybe 20 different ways, it's hurt alright.....but hey, I'm still alive.

Geez.....I'd like to bang my head to the wall right now if I didn't know that the result is becoming senile. I don't want to complain too much actually, but if I could buy a BMW that worth this headache then maybe I wouldn't complain so much ^_^

I should think more seriously about getting a vacation after all this....but hey can't do that coz I will have a busy semester after this suppose-to-be-vacation-months.



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