v3ry b3rry rip3b3rry

Have you ever taste 'very berry' smoothies? I like that smoothies, the sour taste of the berries gives a jolt to the nerves, but there's sweet taste in there. Not to sweet but enough to make my tongue dancing. If, I added vitamin C or other supplement into the smoothies then it will add some kind of bitter taste. Perfect combination like the life I have now. If you have a similar life then perhaps you should try this smoothies....

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Couldn't believe it

Sometime in last week, I got this feeling that I shouldn't feel anymore. It's supposed to never come up again. Even I got confused why I got that feeling, am I lost my mind? Am I forgetting already? Am I willing to go through the same path again? Shit......

Friday, August 11, 2006

Love Poem

To everything which sing my soul
Carry my voice and tell him
I love him

To everything that travels
Bring my love
And place it in his hands

For I just a half
With him I'll become one

(One boring afternoon in the middle of pile of works)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

My answer

This is the answer from my previous post: the confusion between two handsome men

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Vivre, ce n’est pas quelque chose de propre. C’est pour ça que c’est intéressant!
(Samurai Deeper Kyo The 306 Chapter-French Translation)